Saturday, 11 October 2014

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella gaffe fuels debate on women in tech world 

Women should depend on "good karma" and "the system" and not ask for pay raises. This bit of advice by Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella 

Why we Woman still feel bad about these kind of statements.
By now Indian woman should get use to this.

May it be a illiterate man or a CEO of Microsoft their willingness towards accepting the woman empowerment is negligible. 

Why is it so difficult for men to understand that inspite of the multiple augmenting barriers a woman makes her place in family , society and importantly in her career.

Right from the beginning a woman - past tense as a little girl is given different values by her elders.
She is asked to dress not as per her choice but as what the society thinks , what the tradition says and how Men will look at her.

She is asked to learn house hold activities since her childhood with a single purpose of her getting married sometime in future. 

Her choice of education career should again be in sync with the society , family , future family and so on.

While this little girl is growing she is constantly compromising on many of her choices in the name of family , sanskar , society etc

Her choice of friends is also monitored.

She struggles , makes her way and starts her career,

Men then suddenly brings out all the principles of equality , they don't realize equality unless she is a competitor or a working associate. 

Why reservations for woman, why concession for woman, why do they gossip, why do they shop etc and etc.

Doesn't a Man gets concession in his work space for his family , social life , the frequent breaks for their smoke and chai ,

and Men they gossip about woman

What happens when their wife ( working woman specially ) are home waiting for them after struggling a long day , a long life , when exactly at that time their husbands are busy riding bikes, playing games, drinking or pubbing , no policy of equality then exist for them

God made woman and Man with their specifications , 
Woman with their tender physique , emotional heart , a brain molded since childhood with values which are not made for men. She still creates her identity , her space and career.

Men with no physical barrier , values given of being good , gentle man ,honesty etc but never nourished with statements like you have to leave your family , you have to cook , you have to work simultaneously , and have to do multi tasking you should not be wearing such clothes , you should not be out so long , you should choose career keeping your future and current family etc etc etc.

With favorable situations and different society values for woman and men any Man can develop his career , status ,identity etc.

Its always a challenge for a woman , Appreciate the way she is , Respect her career , her views , her identity.

She can be your competitor but just as any other male colleague.

Step into her shoes sometime , live her life for few days and then decide should she wait for karma to give a her pay hike.

Mr.Nadella are you by any chance insecured by the woman taking over the technology world. 
I am sure you must have seen immense woman talent at "Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing, the largest annual gathering of women technologists". 

Apology on your statement is wretched.

It not only brought shame to the nation but showed how Men of Indian origin treat and think about their woman.

Your Wiki profile has details about your father but failed to mention about your Mother. You probably must have not paid so much attention. 
Loving and respecting your Mom ,sister in not enough. 
Grades don't measure intelligence.Maturity doesn't comes with Age. You proved this statement. 

All I want to say is Get well Soon !!!


Thursday, 10 July 2014

New Journey without you..........

This new journey of my life ,
I know bro you are watching me
I miss you and I am gonna miss everything that you would have done for me
Missing is inevitable 
Cherishing memories is a better option
The space remains vacant.................
But I smile now and look forward for all good things to happen 

Yours ,
Coming back to life

When things got harder ,
Life looked crazy,
Had no ideas to pen down
Suddenly the days changed
Some one just took over it
and I realized
You always need a reason to look forward

Missing is inevitable 
Cherishing memories is a better option
Chasing dreams now is a vision
For now I know somebody is looking at it
The smile now matters the most
My new life awaits for its welcome
and I smile smile and smile .... With Suraj

Cheers !!!!


Sunday, 9 February 2014

Shree ani Jhanvi

आज काल सगळ्यांना झान्वी सारखी सून हवी आहे ,
पण त्यांचा मुलगा  श्री आहे का ?

श्री ने सगळ्यान विरुद्ध जाऊन झन्वि शी लग्न   केला , त्याच्या आई आजी च्या विरूधात जाऊन  पण ,
त्याने घर देखील सोडला तिला मान सन्मान , प्रेम सगळा मिळावा त्या घरात म्हणून,

तुमचा मुलगा श्री बनू शकतो का,
त्याने  असा  वागले ला तुम्हाला चालेल का?

तरी ही  सून तुम्हाला झन्वि सारखीच मिळणार ,
कारण सगळ्या मुलीना  माहित असता ,

" मन मोठा असला कि सगळा सामावून घेता येत "

सून पूर्ण एक परिवार सामावून घेत , पण मुला कड्च्याना एक मुलगी सामावून घेता येत नाही …। 

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

And now its 1 year with out you...........

Everything is lost,
Everything is fade,
life without you is a strong pain.....

Miss you is a small word,
the emotions are far beyond it
nobody to share this
nobody to hear this

Love for you was immense 
just missed the chance to express it
I never knew it would be so short

Things are getting dangerous
Everything seems scary
Everybody around is fake
Life without you is a serious pain

Love you and Miss you a lot