Saturday, 3 August 2013

To my Dada.......

I still can’t find u anywhere
I still can’t breathe enough
I still feel your presence around
My phone still has your number
My pics are still waiting for your likes
I still have a lot to fight on……

I still wait at night for your call
With memories flashing, with tears rolling, with choked throat
My mind just screams a lot……

 I still see the hidden pain behind the smile of mom, eyes full of tears trying to hold on,

The house is silent with the echo of missing u,

I sleep long to see you in my dreams
I feel you and I think it’s real... No matter how long I need to sleep but want to see you and talk to you...

Is there any chance any way of you to return coz

Its not over yet
Every thing is incomplete
You have left a lot unfinished
I am not strong anymore
Getting helpless day by day
Just want to talk to you
Just want to tell you
I miss you and I love you
You are and you were the best
Nobody will ever replace you.................

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