Monday, 14 May 2012

Mother's day Special

God cannot be everywhere so he created mother.
But then he created some special mothers  
Mother like Mother Teresa and Mai''Sau Sindhutai Sapkal'' 

Amazing is the work they have done.
Incredible Love for the orphans.

“When I was thrown out of my house I used to beg for a living. Even today I move around with a begging bowl. The only difference is that in those days I begged for myself but today I beg so that my children can be fed and clothed,”-- Sau Sindhutai Sapkal                  

Wealthy people do charity but how many of the poor or financially unstable people think of  helping the needy.

She helped those kids who were left alone in this world when she had no shelter for herself.
She has nurtured more than 1000 kids by now who have grown up to be doctors and engineers.
She has been awarded more than 273 times.

She defines the real meaning of motherhood
Special best wishes to her on this mothers day



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