Tuesday, 20 January 2015

And  I am Married....

After searching, hunting , verifying many candidates I mean marriage proposals finally I found my life partner.
I think the search of this for my parents was more difficult then me to say yes . But yes finally my parents found one. With initial family meetings and telephonic conversations we got engaged . We hadn't been on any date till then. After getting officially engaged it was time for our first date. It was an amazing one. Simple and easy going. Conversations at its best. Walk on the beach and ice gola and visits to 5 temples. It was memorable. Returning home I had this sense of assurance of getting engaged to the right person.Time passed and our wedding was around the corner. 
Getting married is not easy . The shopping never ends. The preparations are on going even after the marriage I think. The wedding day OMG what a day it was full of roller costar ride. You are not sure even for minute as how are you feeling or what exactly are you feeling. 
There is a super magnifying tension going in your mind and that is you are not returning to your home after the ceremony. You are at a brand new place with all new people. Complete blank ness.
But I must say families and relatives support you the best at these moments. 
I was lucky enough . I was surrounded with all best people in the family. Most of my tension was getting released step by step. 
I learned few things during this phase
You have to be strong enough to leave your family and move on
You have to communicate no matter how quite you are.
Learn to adjust
Be ready to change your food culture
The most important you should have the best Husband who helps you in learning all this.

New life begins. Whatever you have learnt gets refurbished. New culture , new people and your routine habits , everything changes. 
During this period I realized I was confused my new home doesn't seems to be my home and my actual home also seems to be different . It takes time to understand where you belong too.

Time is the best medicine for everything and it is true. Gradually I have learnt both are my houses and  I have to manage both of it without troubling anybody.

I am lucky and thank full to GOD for giving me this family and this wonderful husband.

Cheers !!!